READY TO FILE WRITING features three distinct coaching offerings for associates. The four-month programs focus on long-term development through feedback on multiple writing samples. One-on-one coaching features a Zoom conference focusing on legal writing fundamentals.

standard Individual Attorney Coaching

Ed's standard individual coaching package is a four-month intensive course of personalized writing sample feedback. Each attorney working with Ed may send unlimited pieces of work product and will receive personalized feedback on the structure, tone, style, and persuasiveness of their writing. Ed structures his feedback to focus on developing weaker skill areas as the coaching progresses. Rather than add additional work to an attorney’s busy schedule, Ed works with associates on their firm work product before it is sent to the supervisor or client. Though coaching is done remotely through email exchange, Ed does a call with each candidate to begin the coaching process and discuss their writing goals, then encourages attorneys to reach out with questions on specific assignments, to brainstorm at the outlining stage of the writing process, and to review his feedback.

accelerated Individual Attorney Coaching

Ed's accelerated individual coaching package includes all the features of the standard model and adds three memo drafting assignments to be completed within the first six weeks of coaching. Ed and the associate begin with a call to discuss how to give the client the most concise possible takeaway that provides a solution to client’s problem explained by clear and persuasive reasoning. Ed then gives the associate a short fact pattern and legal question and asks them to draft a three-page memo. Ed reviews each submission with the associate to discuss their writing and to answer any questions.

Personalized Coaching one-on-one conferences

This personalized coaching model features 40-minute Zoom conferences or a one-day office visit for face-to-face meetings with attorneys to go over each person's individual writing strengths and weaknesses and develop a plan to improve his or her writing.  Each attorney sends a writing sample before the writing conference which Ed reviews with them during the session.  If these sessions follow a writing workshop, Ed will also review the workshop content and address any questions with the attorney. Attorneys appreciate this program because it requires little time investment yet still delivers personalized feedback on their writing. 


Ed will design a writing assessment for your summer associates or associates that suits your firm’s goals. The typical model is a short prompt that asks attorneys to answer a client question in 90-minutes or two hours. Ed then collects the writing samples and either provides written feedback or does one-on-one Zoom conferences to review the work product with each attorney.