Bringing a former attorney’s passion for writing to legal writing training.
When Ed started his legal career as a first-year associate, he learned quickly just how much hard work it takes to get final sign off from a supervisor that a document is ready to file.
READY TO FILE WRITING applies Ed’s passion for teaching writing to legal writing training. Ed’s mission is to help attorneys develop as writers by identifying techniques to improve each stage a document goes through in the writing and editing process until it is ready to file.
READY TO FILE WRITING offers workshops and coaching to improve attorney writing. Ed’s goal is to address both transactional and litigation attorneys by exploring the intersection of contract drafting and litigation. He uses real world examples to make his trainings relevant and engaging. Ed’s teaching philosophy is that writing workshops should be truly interactive. Ed guarantees that every attorney at his workshops will have the chance to participate, ask questions, and collaborate with his or her colleagues.

Ed’s Passion for Teaching
Practicing law and teaching literature helped Ed Lintz develop his interactive training methods.

Ready to File Writing tailors each workshop to your unique needs.

Choose four months of cumulative writing feedback, a one-on-one conference, or a one-day visit to the firm.